I landed on this page through Stumble Upon. I found it to be a quite interesting list of things to avoid if one wants to be happy.
I have made it my mission to become happy. I think it is definately a decision we make and happiness is hopefully within the reach of most of us.
I am one of the lucky ones. I have three beautiful, healthy and (mostly) happy children. Lots of good and caring friends. My mum is alive cares about me a lot. My house is beautiful, comfortable and snake free. I have food in the cupboard / fridge, money in the bank and a warm bed / soft pillow. So...
I will take onboard these things, a roadmap of what NOT TO DO!!
50 Ways To Make Yourself Miserable
- Compare yourself frequently with others.
- Belittle yourself.
- Don’t believe in dreams, you think dreams only happen when you are sleeping.
- Say yes to everybody and everything.
- Work in a job you hate.
- Complain about everything.
- Complain about everything to your friends.
- Suspicious of everything.
- Counting your troubles.
- Harbor negative thoughts.
- Trying to please everyone and let everyone walk all over you.
- Constantly think about the past.
- Constantly think about the future.
- Focusing on what you lack.
- Focusing on what you don’t want.
- Need others to validate you constantly.
- Think of everything that can possibly go wrong in your life.
- Being jealous easily.
- Always envy others and never grateful of what you have instead.
- Imitating others due to lack of self confidence.
- Lacking self esteem and cause others to dislike you.
- Think the world revolves around you.
- Constantly judging others.
- Absorbing all the bad news daily in the papers.
- Junk food is your best companion.
- Exercise is your worst enemy.
- Think that things can only go your way.
- Do not accept others opinion.
- Lack of sleep.
- Lack of goals.
- Worry consistently about the sky is falling.
- Plan but never take action.
- Fail to plan.
- Feel that people around you are all jerks.
- Thinking there is no purpose in living.
- Being the “If Man”. If my father is the prime minister, then I will be successful. If ____ then I will be _____. (fill in the blanks)
- Lottery is the only way to success.
- Try to control everything that you can’t control.
- Expect to be appreciated.
- Expect others to be grateful to you.
- You will not forget about criticism.
- Hate people around you to be successful.
- Shirk responsibilities.
- Receive and never give.
- Do things that are easy.
- Overwork.
- Never forgive.
- Never give your best effort in things you do.
- Perfectionism.
- Choosing to be miserable.
Excellent. Now I know.
Hmph! So now I do too! xx♥
Congratulations on 500 posts!
That's an interesting list - I must work on no. 26!
Oh, Yeah, 500 posts ~ totally cool, darling. WAY cool.xx♥
way to go Morgs o fur
great folder too
better than everyone elses
Thanks guys - yes once we know, we cant 'un-know' can we... one of lifes greatest tragedies... or blessings.
Lisa, yes. Thank you. ahem
Congrats on 500!
This is a great list - I relate to pretty much all of them! I am going to copy the list and keep it close by, maybe work on one at a time! Thanks!
Great list, hard to do all of them all of the time, but we can try and us happy people do try! (My post of today being a miserable, depressing exception!)
No no no, you don't know until you know is a BLESSING. Really, and also a good excuse :)
Congrats on 500 pists indeed!
I KNOW people who live by this list.... and they specialise in being miserable..
Congratulations on 500 posts!
This is my kind of negativity!
Yay, Jen - congratulations on your great choice to be happy and also on your 500 posts ♥
Thank you for your birthday wishes.
These 50 things are choices so many people just keeping wanting to do.
Well you and I can be counted out of that, right?
Love Renee xoxo
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