Friday 19 December 2008


Job done...

term over

last day of work for the year today.

Been booked for every tuesday next term plus the first two wednesdays. very good as i normally dont get any work in the first term of the year.

thats mainstream

otherwise, have 2,241 photographs to rename and resize and upload to a website. along with new formatting, as i have traditionally changed it every year, plus 54 page title images. hmmmm - thinking that will take a couple of hours.

plus will probably have to start thinking about the dreaded spf and assorted obnoxious rellies descending on me for the day - woo hoo. not.


will go now and read to escape.



Natalie said...

What the? What's with the photos? what for? how many??

Just read yer book. xxoo

Jen said...

i do k's dance company website in exchange for fees.

now is my busy time re that


worth it though - means she can dance regardless of how broke i am - all good