Sunday 18 January 2009

News re Teachers Strike

Just found this in an email to staff from the DET - passing on the info folks...

Dear Colleagues,

Since November we've been in intensive negotiations with the Teachers Federation to achieve reasonable and affordable pay rises for school and TAFE teachers.

With the help of the Industrial Relations Commission, we've made significant progress.

On Tuesday 20 January the Industrial Relations Commission will make a recommendation that should finalise our negotiations.

The government will be ready to rapidly consider and respond to the Commission's recommendation. I understand that the executive of the union is also meeting on Tuesday 20 January.

If all goes as anticipated, we'll achieve a settlement and the proposed two-day strike will not proceed.

Of course I'll circulate full details once we have a final result.

Just in case you are interested....

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Well! Whooda thunk it. Cool! xxx