Hmmm - i have been very slack lately. My life doesnt seem to be very interesting at the moment (if ever). I promise i will get on later after .........
- take kids #2 & #3 to the Maryland Community Centre for the plaster painting thing that is on today, something about 'sustainable communities'.
- take kid #1 to work at Macca's
- pick kid #1 up from work at Macca's
- take kid #1 and bestie to Charlie Square, to meet her friends for a spot of shopping - hoping not to get a call from centre management that they are being feral.... hmmm...
- as they are only there for 2 hours or so, think i might stay and shop for kid #2's birthday (this friday), might even sit down and enjoy a latte
- find some time to wash clothes
- help paint kid #3's bedroom - hm, better get onto choosing the paint colour for the feature wall..... too hard - undercoat and paint the other three walls.
- cook potato bake for bbq this evening with friends
- assemble salad for same bbq
- try to tidy this bomb of a house - not looking good on this one
- i think that is it
phew - nothing like the weekend to relax and recharge eh...
oh well, there is always tomorrow......
Hope you have a good BBQ...
Mary Goth xXx
That was cheating!!
You added to the post....gawd almighty.....snoff.
See you tuesday for baby goggling??
added to what post?????
i posted all new....
even though i had a 3 minute slot to do it!!!!
picky picky
and definately tuesday for baby snoggling - take a number - I BAGS NUMBER ONE!!!!
Wow! You can add to postings after you have posted??? I think it's a show of expertise, not cheating ... I'm even more impressed if you totally re-posted in 3 minutes......I'm going so green.... My kids hate when I post because they know that hours disappear once I start, and I refuse to make a draft and go back later....
zzzzzz is good......
yes but it was a very boring three minutes....
('chell goes into 'edit post' when she adds to hers - i never do it)
somehow it did appear that you had one post not 2 seperate posts.
I apologise for my misconception and how the hell do you know what I do with my posts?? I dont even know what I do with my posts.
You cannot be first because Im afraid that I am Aunty Ankle and that takes precedence over all other wanna be's.....poo!
ok ok - aunty ankles come first, and you are forgiven.
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