That I have done the right thing in leaving my husband…
I went to the plant nursery today. I have done this lots of times before. I loooovvvee the nursery. I love wandering around the plants, and getting inspiration from the colours and the plants and the herbs etc etc etc.
however it was always overshadowed by a doom and gloom that when i took my purchase home it would be greeted with “what the f&%k did you buy that for?? Where is it going to go”… sigh
We had a quite extensive garden, and everything i could have possibly have bought home, could have gone SOMEWHERE. Anyone that had ever visited us could attest to that. So why the frikken power play.
Today I went to the nursery. I got paid for my very first paying photography portrait job since about the ‘90’s. I decided that i would use it to buy a plant of Joy. One to be cosseted and cared for and to represent my life of joy.
When i arrived, I was almost floored with JOY. I was soooo excited. I was shopping for a plant with absolutely NO chance of recrimination. And it was AWESOME!!! Such a small thing but oh, so, wonderful. I was almost indescribably euphoric. I was walking on air. I couldnt have been any happier if I was given free choice to take whatever I wanted from THE MINT!!!
Sigh…. So happy…. So sure…. :)