so much going through my head right now..
The past week or so has been a whirl of activity and trying to fit about 26 hours work into 24, oh and still find time to sleep :)
Along with all this, I have had to work through some deep hurts inflicted by a person that means well, i know they mean well. But have been truly mack truck, bull in a china shop insensitive. This is bought upon by ignorance and a form of ‘self preservation’, I understand that - but I truly thought they were beyond that point. I have spent so many merry go rounds with this same issue, on so many occasions over the past goodness knows how long that I am totally against going up against it again. So I am choosing to grit my teeth and step over it all. Some people just never learn…
Family - gotta hand it to them. Just don’t get on your high horse with me… am over it
Personally, I am on a huge high. My life is incredible and things are working out amazingly well. My house has been blessed now by both the witches AND the bitches, lol, so all is good. An awesome weekend was had by all as my friends from years ago, when we were all school mums together, before I moved away, came over on Friday night and, well, yes, we had a ball and I think the clock read 2.30am when I fell into bed… what an awesome evening. I then went out on saturday night to a Trivia night. We came 3rd - not a bad effort considering how frikken hard those questions were… although I had to admit to doing more laughing then thinking for most of it… all good.
A huge week too, lots and lots to do.
I attended the one of the most incredible Tarot lessons I have ever attended on Tuesday. Wendy adapted a “wisdom of the aces” spread and it just blew me away. I was totally reeling for hours afterwards. Its incredible what came out, excellent news. Great timing and excellent tools in hand. I am truly grateful.
Tonight saw Kira play in her Semi final of Touch Football, they won so straight into the finals. She scored two of the three tries too, very proud. Raced from Touch along to the cottage for Yule Craft, that Deb and I had organised at the spur of the moment this week and … well… only her and I were there to put it all together. It didnt matter, we had a ball and laughed til we cried. She also made an incredible walnut cake and no one was there to share it with us… mmmmmm.
Anyhoo, am off now.
basking…. sigh